Thursday, April 5, 2012

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Advanced Placement The Advanced Placement, commonly known as AP, is a special program offered by the CollegeBorad  in the United States and Canada. This standardized test offers courses to high school students and is generally recognized to be similar to the courses in college. However, these courses are more rigorous than the courses in highschool. So any student who completes this test is supposed to have better understanding to the college courses. Colleges which participate and recognize this program give extra credit to students who obtain high enough scores. This test is also used in the admission process in some very selective undergraduate schools.

There are 22 subject areas in Advanced Placement and 37 different tests are offered. These tests are scored on a scale ranging from 1 to 5 in each subject. Most colleges generally require a score of a 4 or a 5. The AP scores are defined by the College Board as shown below, where qualified means the student is qualified for college credits.

5 Extremely well qualified
4 Well qualified
3 Qualified
2 Possibly qualified
1 No recommendation

Also it is important to note that a student should not necessarily take an AP course to take the AP test. The exam is usually offered in May and costs $87 per test.